Bible Baptist Church uses the Continue course by Pastor Paul Chappell for Discipleship. Continue is a fourteen lesson study of basic Bible principles and doctrine for every believer who is serious about becoming a multiplying disciple of Jesus Christ. Continueis designed to be a journey in personal discipleship that leads every Christian to not only be a disciple, but to make disciples!

The BBC discipleship program is very simple. We have a number of seasoned Christians who are Disciplers. Those who are new in the faith, or returning back to Christ are welcome to study one on one. The Discipleship program is on Wednesday evening at the church beginning at 6:30 pm. Those being discipled enjoy the opening announcements and congregational singing with the rest of the church family. When the pastor begins his message those in the discipleship program are dismissed to meet together. We have a man to train the men, and a woman for the ladies. The discipleship lesson concludes at the conclusion of the Wednesday evening service.

Below are links to the video presentations of each lesson as well as other helpful resources. Should you have any questions feel free to email Pastor Kerns at or text or call him at 931-287-1526.

Lesson 1 - The Word of God
Lesson 2 - Knowing God
Lesson 3 - Who Is Jesus
Lesson 4 - Your Salvation
Lesson 5 - Developing a Prayer Life
Lesson 6 - Your Relationship with God's Word
Lesson 7 - The Holy Spirit
Lesson 8 - The Life of a Disciple
Lesson 9 - The Local Church
Lesson 10 - Your Place in the Local Church
Lesson 11 - Financial Stweardship
Lesson 12 - Go and Tell the Good News
Lesson 13 - Living In The Light of Eternity
Lesson 14 - Continue