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In Psalm 84:10, the Bible says, "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness." This verse shows us the joy and fulfillment found in God's presence. Let's look at three points: Delight, Devotion, and Decision.


First, consider the Delight of God's Presence. The psalmist tells us that one day in God's courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. This means that being close to God brings more joy and satisfaction than anything else in the world. Imagine the happiest day of your life and then multiply that by a thousand. That's how wonderful it is to be with God. When we spend time in prayer, worship, and reading the Bible, we experience this special delight.


Second, think about the Devotion of a Doorkeeper. The psalmist would rather be a humble doorkeeper in God's house than live in luxury among the wicked. This shows his great love and devotion to God. Being a doorkeeper means being willing to serve in a lowly position, just to be near the Lord. We should have the same heart, ready to serve God in any way, no matter how small or simple. Our love for God should make us eager to be close to Him and to serve Him faithfully.


Lastly, reflect on the Decision for God's House. The psalmist chooses God's house over the tents of wickedness. This is a clear decision to live a life that pleases God rather than seeking the pleasures of sin. We face similar choices every day. Will we follow God's ways or be tempted by the world? Choosing God's house means we decide to live according to His will, finding true happiness and peace in His presence.

May we always delight in God's presence, show devotion in our service, and make the decision to live for Him each day.